Francis , I am SO enjoying your travelogue!!

We have travelled from Melbourne, Australia to USA on a few occasions, and I
understand your difficulties!!
We have a 15 hour non-stop trip from Melbourne to Los Angelese. I have a short
but stout DH who has difficulties fitting into the plane seats!

All American foods taste sweet to us, - even things like All bran, etc!!  As
they are required to lower the salt content of foods, apparently - so I was
told - they use sweeteners to enhance the flavours.   Their portion sizes are
very large too!!

Jet lag is hard to overcome, but getting some sunlight is good, and helps to
adjust the body clock to the new timezone. --- So they tell me!!!!! :))

I look forward to your next installmeent.  Travelling to new countries is all
part of the fun - but it can be a bit of a hassle to get there, admittedly!!
Now our Daughter has moved from Denver to Seattle, we will have to have
another trip soon, - to see the new city!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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