Oops, forwarded this to Chris and not to the list...Sorry!

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 12:07:07 -0400
To: Chris Vail <gypsy.v...@gmail.com>
From: Debora Lustgarten <drac...@primus.ca>
Subject: Period lace enthusiasts

Howdy all!
I'm also a period lace enthusiast and send my congratulations and cheers to anyone that took the Period Bobbin lace class at Pensic... and survived the weather! I coincide with Chris in the book selection and appreciation of the difficulty to figure out the woodcuts, but if you start with the simple woodcuts and work progressively, complementing that with IOLI's articles, there's a good road in front of you. I completed the Heraldic Eagle in one of the IOLI's articles and learned quite a bit about fat braids. I guess that can be applied to the patterns that have lots of braids or lines coming out of thick sections we don't know what they are... Currently I am learning and practising a bit of Bucks point, but period lace is and will remain my first love. P.S.: If you want to truly drool, visit Lenka Suchanek's website for out-of-this-world metallic lace interpretations...
Debora  L.
...in Toronto, still muggy but now with added sun.

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