Wow!!!!!! It seems I opened the floodgates with my mystery item!!!! Having only posted not quite 24 hours ago I now have over 50 responses, far, far too many to reply to individually. So this is my heartfelt thanks to you all for your suggestions. I have finally discovered that we have been pondering over a cigar cutter. My DH explained it to me - when a person chews off the end of a cigar they are really releasing the sealed end of the cigar so that one can draw air through the cigar, hence have a good smoke. So, our little tool pokes a hole in the end of the cigar. Voila!!! it can now be smoked with pleasure.

Someone suggested that the lady of the house hid the cigar cutter in her sewing box to stop her DH from smoking but methinks it might have been the lady herself smoking the cigar. Didn't the Victorian/Edwardian lady sometimes smoke a cigar after dinner?

Thanks again everyone,
Shirley T.  -  off to make some lace now.

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