Giles looks very good. Jane sent him to me some time ago and I made it for a friend who has a white and black jack russell dog which I thought was quite apt. I love your choice of colours though, he looks totally different.
Good luck all with the bedfordshire piece.
Sue T Dorset UK

Giles does look good though doesn't he?? I'll take a photo of the finished article when the camera battery is charged and put it up for you all to see! Thought I spotted you 'lurking with intent' Jane....

So.... we have a National Lace Day and an International Lace day eh.... 2 excuses to make lace!! Lovely!!

As for Giles - she'll probably shoot me, but this link shows the one that Sue Duckles was working when she joined Anne Weston and I demonstrating lace at a papercraft show in Hull a week or two ago, and the one I had worked earlier amongst the other lace I had on display - including a butterfly tatted by David Collyer. (Sue had been tempted by some beads on a neighbouring stall when the photo of her Giles was taken, so she doesn't know about it - yet!)

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