Sad news.
According to the Belgian newspapers the Kantcentrum in Brugge has ceased
trading (or maybe limited trading -I don't know the Belgian procedures).
So no lace summer school, no Kant magazine....

During half term (2 weeks ago) I was in Brugge and visited Kantcentrum. I visited the museum, went in the church and were told that the ladies still did the demonstrating in the afternoons. The shop is still open and I bought a lovely book by Brigitte Bellon on new Christmas decorations called Neue Weihnachts - Kloppelmuster.

When I was in the shop I was chatting to the lady about another lace museum that I had visited in Brugge 5 years ago. I was told that it had been run by the local council and had since been closed down but she didnt say anything to me about them closing down.

Anne Nicholas

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