Hello all-
My Knitting Daily e-mail had this information about the latest Piecework
Magazine which includes a bit about lace knitting and has at least one very
interesting photo of knitting notations from 1847.  I've had to omit photos
here but I'll be glad to forward the whole message to anyone interested.

Lorraine Weiss in Albany, NY, a quiet white on grey landscape today

Knitting through Time

I think I lead a charmed life as the editor of PieceWork! The January/February
2010 issue, our 4th annual Historical Knitting issue, is a case in point.

In the spring of 2008, Donna Druchunas, a frequent contributor, stopped by the
office to introduce me to June Hall from England. June, an avid knitter,
historian, author, and keeper of a flock of rare Soay sheep, shared the
handwritten instructions for and tiny samples of lace-knitted edgings and
insertions that she found in a copy of a nineteenth-century pattern book.

Since the writing matched the inscription on the book's flyleaf (dated 1847),
the instructions surely were penned by the owner of the book, Miss Money. The
page with the intriguingly named Fly's Body pattern with its intriguing
symbols and sample is above. June deciphered the symbols and shares them,
along with several of the other patterns and her quest to find information on
Miss Money.

Laurann Gilbertson, textile curator at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in
Decorah, Iowa, sent a 1944 book about traditional Norwegian handcoverings to
Nancy Bush (well-known author, designer, teacher, and a member of our
editorial advisory panel). Among the objects depicted in the book was a
knitted "offering" mitt. As soon as I saw the photograph, I knew Nancy's
version of these unusually shaped mitts would be perfect (they're shown at
right). In her article, Nancy explains the practical reason for their unusual

I learned that Barbara G. Walker, knitting legend and author of the beloved
Treasury of Knitting Patterns books, was going to the 2009 Sock Summit with
Schoolhouse Press owner Meg Swansen (also a member of our editorial advisory

I instantly called Meg and asked her to please "introduce me" to Barbara, and
let her know that I would be thrilled to have her contribute to a future issue
of PieceWork.

My phone rang one day, and it was Barbara Walker-I could barely get a coherent
word out-all I could think about was "Oh my, I'm talking to Barbara Walker!" A
never-before-published Barbara Walker stitch pattern is included in this issue
(it's our cover and a detail is shown at left).

Definitely charmed, don't you think? And these are only three examples! To see
all (including Donna Druchunas's very compelling article, "Knitting in Jewish
Lithuania") go to http://www.interweave.com/needle/piecework_magazine/ to
preview our 4th annual Historical Knitting issue. I hope you will be


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