Yesterday I received my "Needle 'n' Thread" magazine - from the Guild of
Needlelaces, and today the postie has just delivered the UK Lace magazine, -
so I have a continuing feast of lace!!!

I have only openend the envelope so far, - and looked at the front cover - a
beaut fan, and read the lovely poem on the back cover.  I get to read the rest
of the magazine tonight - more sweet, lacey dreams!!!

What Would we do without these beaut magazines arriving every now and

Hmmm! I must work on a contribution for this year.  I try to do one
contribution to each magazine each year.  If everyone did one thing, there
would be heaps of copy.  A book review, an article, photo, pattern, -
something.  I am sure more people have something they can share.  I am in 5
Guilds (do I have an addiction?) so I need to get my thinking cap on to get
something for each one.  Maybe I better buy some more books, and do some
reviews!!!!!!!!!!  (what an excuse!!!!!!!!!!! :))  )

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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