Following from what Nancy said, I too have had books published - nothing to do with lacemaking, but practical books of patterns. Although published by the best-known publisher of it's subject, I still hold the copyright, which I believe is usual in the UK. They were published as cheaply as possible because the idea was to enable buyers to save money by making their own items rather than purchase expensive specialist ones. I know that one of them has been used for starting cottage industries, and I have absolutely no objection to that, provided the person has purchased the book. In fact I wish them luck.

I receive less than 1GBP per copy sold in royalties (less 20% in income tax), and I really object to the idea of people copying the patterns and passing them round to their friends, giving the impression that the work I put into producing the book is not even worth me receiving that small amount. Just the same as people expecting time and effort to be put into making something for far less than the minimum wage - it's a hobby after all!

I admit that occasionally I have been guilty of making a copy of someone else's design, but mostly I buy the book or pricking. I do object when someone who never buys a book or pricking, regularly asks if they can have a copy of pattern I, or someone else, has. Not only are they stealing from the designer, but asking me to pay for obtaining the pricking as well.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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