A quick browse of the internet reveals that google books does have some  
kind of an agreement with the Print on Demand, Espresso Book Machine.  The 
September 2009 Library Journal article says the following:
Google and _On Demand  Books_ (http://www.ondemandbooks.com/,)  (ODB), the 
maker of the Espresso Book Machine® (EBM), have signed a  deal to provide 
print-on-demand (PoD) access to more than two million  public-domain titles 
(published before 1923) in the Google digital files.  

The deal also presages potential PoD access to millions more  in-copyright “
orphan works” should the Google Book Search settlement be  approved.
I don't know whether the issues around the "orphan works" etc have been  
resolved as yet.

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