Good morning all from sunny but windy Malta.

I was in Idrija (Slovenia) last weekend for the opening of an exhibition of
18 costumes that all have lace on them, the culmination of a Leonardo da
Vinci European Union project that I participated in. It was held this
weekend to coincide with the annual lace festival of Idrija. 

Apart from the costumes, there was lots of beautiful lace to see and I was
amazed at the high standard of work on display, even that made by the
youngest of children (8/9 years), but apparently lace is part of the school
curriculum for girls as well as boys - once I got to know that it wasn't
surprising any more.

Discussions about the work and its quality, and how it was achieved led to
thinking that the work must be ironed and starched to look so good. Would
any of you know about this? What are the general thoughts about ironing and
starching lace? Here in Malta, it is not always considered good practise to
iron a new piece of lace because it is felt that ironing "flattens" the
work, meaning that the three-dimensional effect of certain elements (e.g.
leaf tallies) is lost.


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