Hiya all,
   I like to do all kinds of things. I am not a couch potatoe. I more exercise 
than changing a channel on the TV Clicker. More of my body gets exercise than 
eye balls just glancing at a TV screen. 

   My life is short...and I want to do and make and learn as much as I can. I 
have all kinds of things around my house that shows a bit of what I did with my 
life. Sitting and watching TV for hours doesn't show anything of what I did 
my time...but a few tatted doilies here, a few bobbinlace things there, a bit 
knitting hanging in my closet, ceramic paintings sitting about, Embroidered 
pictures on the wall, all show what I have done in my life. 

   The comment I hear alot from people is...I don't have the patience for 
it...to me all the stuff I do with my brain and my hands is called threapy. 
While I am concentrating on what I am making or doing...I am not thinking of 
my problems...I escape from the world...and find I am very relaxed in my own 
world of figuring out the puzzle. 

   When I am finished with something I am like Yeah...I am done...and oh....I 
like it...and oh...what can I do next. It is kinda funny for me for all the 
stuff I do because nobody else in the family does this stuff with their hands. 
think it all started when I was young coloring in a coloring books or 
drawing on 
a piece of paper and loving art. 

   For me making lace is taking something that is so beautiful to the eye and 
making it yourself. That is why I learn how to tat and bobbinlace and so on...I 
saw it ...I wanted it...and I figured the only way I was going to get it was to 
figure out how to make it myself so I can have all the pretties in the world. 

   Yesterday...I was rearranging things in my livingroom and in my livingroom 
there is a big box of pictures from different lace and tatting events I have 
been to over the years...I spent hours sitting there and reminesing in my brain 
of all the fun time memories those pictures invoked. I have tons of pictures. I 
was thinking of even scanning and uploading some of the pictures to my blog for 
"A Blast From the Past". 

   My crafts that I do have allowed me to meet alot of interesting people 
over the years...and it is great to get to know people and put a face to the 
name. What is also great is to be in a room with like minded people...or even 
better in a room with like minded people with all the vending to continue 
all the tatting, laces and knitting and so on until the day I either can't do 
anymore ( health won't let me) or the day I die. My crafting is me...PERIOD. I 
would be lost without it. The world would become dark and very boring. I have 
kidded with my family for years that my tombstone will say same day..."She 
sat and did nothing".
   Sorry I have gone on and on....but I love lace of all kinds. I wanted to 
share with you all.
Wind To Thy Wings,
Nata 616


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