Wow...three inches!! That would be intimidating for a person to see...and 
think...I couldn't do that...and won't even try. And the state pays someone to 
demonstrate that!! I didn't know that. I am learning alot here. I still say 
simple is better and less scary. I have also domonstrated laces of bobbins and 
tatting. I hear the word "Patience" alot. Or I couldn't do that. But I think 
simple like snakes where you are showing the basic stitches is good. The two 
pair patterns of Tamara's shows you don't have to have alot of supplies and all 
you have to know is how to braid...using just two pairs of bobbins. I do think 
that most girls know how to braid their hair. Braiding in bobbinlace still 
the basic movements in bobbinlace. I think seeing something small, and less 
intimadating being worked on a pillow demostrating lace would be better. You 
 also have a finished piece of  finished lace, and, or a pillow with something 
started on it that is more complicating to look at to show an observer what can 
be done.  
   When I demonstrate I don't show off. I can't for one, being I am what I 
call a novice lacer. I have to refer to a book alot still. I also don't lace 
fast. Going fast means people just see a blur and nothing else. I am not an 
expert and don't try to show that I am.
   Right now I am back to working on the Thistle bookmark design of Jean 
Leader. This is something I only work on at home. I am doing it in black 
with gold metallic threads. IT is giving me fits...for I really think this 
of lace is above and beyond me...but I have not given up on it ( one part of my 
personallity is determination)...and am still plugging away on it. If I ever 
it finished I will be so happy and give many sighs of relief thinking...I DID 
 Wind To Thy Wings,
Nata 616


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