As Liz mentioned in her email:
 Helen now owns the pillow I purchased  which the Hosts so
kindly though of - the foam blocks were "just the thing" for travellers who
could not bring pillows with them. 

I ordered a $5 piece of builders foam from the hosts at Portland, OR. Great 
for future hosts.  

Before I left home I cut a 19" circle of foamcore board. I sliced two lines, 
on either side about 3 inches in, almost through the board, so that I could 
it to fit into my suitcase.  I also cut a 19" piece of wool felt to fit on the 
top and washed one of my pillow covers so I had something to cover the 
pillow with. I then lost the circle of felt and never did find it.  I took a 
piece of the remainder with me so I knew I had prepared it.  Wonder when and 
where it will surface.  I took a small knife with me and using the board, I cut 
the builders foam into a circle, and also tried to carve off the edge of the 
circle to make it more comfortable to use.  Bridget Cook was my teacher and 
commented about the rough edge I had made.  She would have used a shureform to 
make it smoother, which I can do when I take my Brugge lace off it.  The 
intention was to cut the piece to fit one of my block pillows when I got to my 
daughter's home in Seattle.  Instead I just cut off about a 3 inch piece and 
they both then fit into my suitcase.  I have put it back together and the piece 
is held in place by the pillow cover and I will use it on Sunday when I 
demonstrate at a local period home in Crystal Lake.  They are supplying the 
costume as mine is the wrong period. 

I want to thank Portland Lace Society for a well organised convention.  The 
Arachne lunch, although expensive, was worth it.  Not sure how many there were 
of us as I didn't think to count heads, but we had a full room.  We all got to 
win a prize in the raffle.  I chose a bobbin roll and I think we all got spider 
cover cloths.  For me, it was a good convention with great classes, great time 
meeting old friends and to cap it all, my original piece won first prize and 
popular vote in the contest, and then I won a Lier lace table in the raffle. 
 Good job my husband had arrived at the hotel and was able to transport 
everything to my daughters so we could ship it home.  

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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