While following up another subject entirely, I discovered that a small local book publisher has several books on Irish laces in their catalogue.

As their website does not have separate addresses for each of their pages, you will need to go to
and look down to the foot of the page, where you can click on
"Lace and Embroidery", which will take you to a list of books.
Clicking on the image of a book cover will take you to lots of details about the books themselves.

The first two of the books were originally published by Dolmen Press, and are now made available again.
There are:-
"Mountmellick Work, Irish White Embroidery" by Jane Houston Almqvist
"Carrickmacross Lace" by Nellie O’Cléirigh
"Limerick Lace: A Social History and a Maker's Manual by Nellie ó Cléirigh and Veronica Rowe

Disclaimer: I don't know these books, haven't boought from this company, and have no connection with them - but I do know that they have a very good reputation locally, and have been recommended to me by someone who knows them personally and whose judgement I trust.

Linda Walton
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.).

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