My worst accident was one day when I had gone away for a weekend break and I was carrying my pillow complete with tools etc into the hotel. I was waiting for the elevator while my friend was at the counter asking a question. I could feel that I was losing some of my load, so hitched it up against myself so that nothing fell off.

I felt a sharp prick on my lower stomach and thought that perhaps I'd snagged a pin. When we finally got to the room, I discovered that what I had snagged was in fact my very fine crochet hook.

It was firmly imbedded through my skirt, slip, underwear and tum.

I can't remember how I got it out, but I do remember it was very sore and I had a large bruise for quite a few days.

Malvary in Ottawa (the Nation's Capital), Canada where I have been retro lacing all week because I have done a big, big error on the curtain I'm making and I'm having to undo about 3 weeks of work. I've carefully cut out some of it, but I need to undo the rest.
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