I buy my bobbins these days mostly from

Stuart Johnson ( my favourite too)
Acorn Bobbins
Jenny and Graham Hudson

but over the years have also bought from

Biggins ( don't know the makers name)
Margaret Wall
Sarah Jones ( paints bobbins by Stuart I think)
Sallie Reason ( painter of bobbins)
Chris Parsons
Mr Archer

Claire Allen
Crafty stuff I want to show off.

On 30 Sep 2010, at 05:23, <robinl...@socal.rr.com> wrote:

> ---- Alan & Sheila Brown <alan.d.br...@tesco.net> wrote: 
>  It would be nice if we posted the names of bobbin makers from whom we have 
> bought bobbins, so that a list could be compiled which took in all bobbin 
> makers.
> Let's see (some of these are bobbin decorators, not carvers):
> Lace Fairy
> David Springett
> ---? at SMP Lace
> Margaret Wall
> Tom Clark (glass)
> Miles --- (can't remember his last name)
> Eric Stevens (now retired)
> Stuart Johnson (my favorite)
> Malcolm Fielding
> Acorn bobbins
> Richard Gravestock?
> John Aebi
> Simon Toustou
> --- Grandstaff
> Richard Worthen
> --- Eurell (Joanne's husband)
> Bill Schmidt
> Kenn van Dieren
> Roy Sykes

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