Oh yeah - I forgot about my aluminium bobbin and the 2 gold coloured metal
ones and a brass one.  Forgot who made those.  Thanks for the reminder about
them Lauren.

There's also someone - in Oz I think - who also (or used to) make bobbins in
Corian.  I don't have one of those, but I do have a variety that are made by
someone around the Canberra area that did brass tipped rosewood (I think
it's rosewood).  I adore that bobbin - the brass milling is sooooo smooth
and the balance and weight of the bobbin is great.

And thanks David for popping up to answer my question about the Sovereign
Hill bobbin maker.  I figured you know who I meant :-)  (and I just found I
have one of your cousin's bobbins in huon pine - I think it was one that Mum
bought and gave me for birthday or Christmas one year).

Re pics of the bobbins:  I know the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney has been (or
was) working on a project to ID Australian bobbin makers, and I know I sent
photos of some of my bobbins made by Australians to them.  Not sure if their
db has or will be made available to the public, but it was fun to contribute
photos and whatever info I could to them for their research and list.

Gotta get back to my chores now - I've spent way too much time on this fun
thread that's brought up good memories of the days when I could buy bobbins
without much care :-)

Helen, in foggy Duvall, WA

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