I have received several very interesting points with regards to bookmarks for ladies and for gents. I loved some of the ideas for specific men folk but agree that in this case it will be sort of pot luck so the better way to go is pleasing to the eyes of both men and women, so thank you for that. I did a couple last year as a thank you to two nurses who had looked after my aunt just before she died and each had a reason to choose and love the one they chose. Both came from the lace guild book and one lady picked one that was gimps around areas to allow them to stand out and it was sort of floral, but she took the shape to be a cross and loved that. So each see something slightly different than others in the same item.

I think before I start I will look through all my books, and a folder which I have collected single bookmark patterns together and see if two jump out at me or even if something sets my creative juices going using elements I love together. Thank you also for your comments about neutral colours, it reminded me that others make different choices to me:-)
Always grateful for your advice and help.
Sue T
Dorset UK where the overgrown trees are finally beginning to come down after a 3 year struggle. Sunlight is beginning to filter though to our garden, <g>
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