Hello Sr Claire

It's not a silly question, but there is no definitive answer.  Some styles of 
lace and some areas work the footside on the left, others work it on the right. 
But just think about making an insertion - you have a footside on both sides so 
you do need to be able to work it either way but for an edging make it 
whichever way you feel most comfortable with - or whichever way your 
instructions/working diagram is presented.


> It's been ages since I've made anything besides Cantu', but I am now
> starting one of Eva Kortelahti's altar cloth edgings. (If you have the book
> "Bobbin Lace" - the one with the six altar lace patterns - it's on page 59.)
> I think this will have to be a project-in-the-background while I make other
> pieces in between because I do not have the stamina to make all those meters
> of edging without a break!
> My question: I don't remember if I should have the footside on the right or
> the left and I can't tell if it really matters with this lace. I don't think
> it does, but I've been waaaaaay wrong before.

Brenda in Allhallows

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