I really enjoyed the article and thought it very good. What a lovely project and I wish you well in persuading them to be used, they will certainly be too special to not be used. I and probably most of us would love to see a photo of the presentation or them being modelled via arachne, if ever there is one. I loved the bit about the bobbin saying, I was cut out to be rich, but sew up wrong, <VBG> brilliant.
Sue T
Dorset UK

Dear Jaboteers and Other Lacemakers, I told you all about my being
intervied last summer for my Bridgewater College alumni magazine.  The
article appears in the Fall 2010 issue, and  I'm quite pleased.  So often
the technique is described all wrong, and the facts confused.   The
writer did a great job, I think, and did make note of our jabots for the
Supreme Court. The "tiny URL just wouldn't work, but if you're
interested, you can get there by just a few key strokes.  Go to
www.bridgewater.edu and click on the picture with the fall leaves.  That
will take you to the Alumni Magazines and click on the Fall 2010 issue.
The article starts on Page 24 so you'll have to scroll to it.  My hands
are in the Table of Contents.  I hope I gave a good accounting of
lacemaking. Happy Lacemaking,Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA  who has
heard from college friends of 55 years ago!

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