Well, so far all but the radio stations have been unable to use...Basically
BBC will allow users in England to watch BBC on their phone but not US or
Canadian viewers. I don't have an iplayer, ipod, or iphone. I have an HTC
EVO by sprint and use the Android network for apps. They tend to get the
apps eventually but never seems as fast as iphone. Right now I have been
pressuring Hulu and Netflix and would LOVE to see BBC allow their content on
a subscription basis for either phone OR computer (actually the computer is
better...better screen)
I would subscribe in second. Meanwhile, I watch whatever BBC show that has
been released on dvd on my Netflix streaming video. Yes that is limiting to
a degree...your usually a "season behind" so to speak etc but better than
I was paying for Cable HD and got everything...BUT...it was a really HIGH
price to pay...and I mean high as in excess of $150 a month. I am trying
desperately to save money and keep my house (my mum died, left me the house
and a mortgage...and taxes, and insurance etc etc) Which means, the cable is
off and I am either watching it on hulu or Netflix. Fortunately I am in a
small town and the vice president of the bank really wants to keep me in the
house, and the mortgage and deed in my name...whew, in any other place I
would be out on my ear right now and looking for a shopping cart to keep my
possessions in (Bag lady Cearbhael)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-l...@arachne.com [mailto:owner-l...@arachne.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 1:00 PM
To: lace@arachne.com
Subject: [lace] BBC programmes

They are currently considering a way of allowing overseas viewers to watch
the programmes on the iPlayer, but on a pay to view system, as you don't
have to pay the UK TV license fee.  This has come up recently on the Radio 4
Feedback programme, where apparently they have had e-mails from overseas
4 listeners offering to pay something for listening to what they consider to
be excellent programmes.

Just in case you are one of those honourable people, don't feel bad about
not paying - I don't either.  Although you need a TV license, the money from
which goes to the BBC, you can't (legally) watch *any* live TV on any
channel, and the fine for getting caught is #1000.

But, I can legally watch programmes as soon as they finish (and for the next
week) via iPlayer on my computer, and I can listen to the radio.  There used
to be a separate radio license, but that was discontinued many years ago.

Lace content?  The lace that the overseas arachnids won't see on Edwardian
farm for a while yet, and the lace that isn't being made by my students as
my classes were cancelled this week due to the 12 to 15 inches of snow.

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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