I've just finished reading 'Blackwork' and will pass it on to Eve Morton to read. When she's finished with it, I've decided to send them all to Alex Stillwell, which will pass them on to her lace friends to read as well. I disagree with Lori and think they do need to be read in order because the characters develop from book to book.

The lace content in 'Blackwork' refers to a mantilla or scarf for an older woman to wear at her wedding. Described as "a gossamer thing of pale ecru, fifteen inches wide and almost fifty inches long. It was made in inch-and-a-half-wide stripes, with tiny hearts in the central band that ran the length of the thing." It was made of ten lengths. I can't actually picture it in my mind, probably because, from that description, it could be any type of lace and would look totally different if made in say torchon than Bucks Point.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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