Good afternoon (or whatever it is where you are)

For my birthday last year, one of my work colleagues (knowing I make lace)
bought me a copy of 'Special Occasions in Lace' edited by Bridget Cook.  It
was a wonderful surprise, especially as she bought it not knowing whether or
not it was the right sort of lace book.

She retires in 2 years time and I would love to make one of the patterns in it
as a leaving gift.  As she loves rabbits I want to make the 'love bunny duo'
on page 18 which is by Bridget Cook.  The pattern is Bucks Point and has no
instructions.  I an a complete novice as far as Bucks Point is concerned ( I
have 25 years of making other sorts of lace) and am wondering just how
difficult this pattern is and how much I have to learn in order to make a good
job of it, and whether I have enough time to learn.

I have 2 books with Bucks Point instructions; these are 'Technique of Bobbin
Lace' by Pamela Nottingham and 'The Technique of Bucks Point Lace' also by
Pamela Nottingham.  What are the things in these books that I should tackle
and are there any other books that I ought to get in order to learn?

I am sure that your advice will, as always, be exactly what I need.

Thank you so much.

Alison in Essex UK where it's dull and damp

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