Thanks for putting those up Jean.

I did watch it last night, and will forgive Queenie her 'faux pas' on the types of lace purely because the important thing about the programme is that it actually gave a beautiful showing of bobbin lace and also shows the history of what happened to the lacemakers once machine lace came along! I felt so sorry for Queenie when she returned from the market and then was, in essence, snubbed by the dressmakers regarding such gorgeous lace. IMHO historically it was pretty near the truth!! I think that the researchers were looking historically rather than the lace types, and they did get that right....

Sue in East Yorkshire
On 17 Jan 2011, at 09:02, Jean Nathan wrote:

I've uploaded some screenshots from the lacemaking sequences in last night's Larkrise to Candleford into its own album.

Pity the researchers didn't get a couple of things right:

The "point ground lace" is Maltese.

The lace Queenie is selling is Bedfordshire, but she has Bucks point on her pillow. If she was making her living at it she would have stuck to one pattern.

I'm sure there are others, but it was so nice to see bobbin lacemaking getting such a good airing on TV.

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