I have received a private email suggesting that I should announce to Arachne
what the problem is with Lace RXP and  Windows 7, and how to fix it.


To all those who have Lace RXP, I should assure you that it works perfectly
on Windows 7.    Hundreds of people across the world are using it on Windows
7 and have no difficulties whatsoever.


At least 90% of the problems upgrading are caused by people not
understanding how to upgrade properly on Vista and Windows 7.    The
remaining 10% of difficulties are caused by an incompatability between the
particular operating system and the usual upgrade procedure.    There is a
fix for the second problem, and I have previously asked on Arachne that
anyone having problems upgrading email me so that I can tell them how to do


I have not attempted to put a "general fix" announcement on Arachne for a
couple of reasons..one is that I prefer to ask the person a couple of simple
questions so that I can accurately pinpoint what their problem is and tell
them how to fix it.   The other reason is that when I put a general
announcement about upgrading out, many people, not understanding the
differences, tried to upgrade by using the wrong method for their computer,
in spite of my specifically saying "only try this method under these
circumstances", and I still received a number of messages asking for help.


There is one other problem, which is not related to Windows 7 or Lace RXP,
but it is a difficulty which some, I repeat some, 64 bit systems have in
printing from 32 bit programmes (Lace RXP is a 32 bit programme).   That
unfortunately is a system problem and is beyond the control of ILSoft.
There is still a method of printing which works, although it does involve an
extra step.


I believe I have also previously advised on Arachne that unless you have
very specific reasons (such as copying a lot of videos) for buying a 64 bit
computer, as far as a lot of programmes are concerned, including Lace RXP,
you'd be better to stick to a 32 bit computer when upgrading.     Both the
issues I've mentioned here are related to 64 bit computers, not 32 bit.
And I will repeat what I've said before - most people have no problems


I will say again - if you're having problems, please email me, describe
*exactly* what you've been doing, and I will do my best to help you.  And
please, when I say "describe *exactly*" do be specific.   To tell me "I
opened it as Administrator" isn't enough detail.   I need to know what you
clicked on first, and what you did after that.




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