Hello Daphne,
Yes, I made the Christening gown from Veronica Sorenson's book back in the 90's. It took me about 4 and a half years years to complete including the time off from the project to regenerate. I made the yoke, then the sleeves and then the frill. That took a year or so. Then I started on the front which took 2 years. The biggest mistake I made was deciding to make the front all in one piece instead of two as the directions called for. Then I was required to have not 114 pair (228 bobbins) on my pillow at one time but double that amount - 228 pair or 456 bobbins on my pillow at one time. I spent more time moving the stacks and stacks of bobbins than actually making lace. I had tall hat pins that I stacked bobbins on, and I had cloths that I layered bobbins on. It took me 2 weeks to wind all the bobbins for the front, I didn't have a winder back then. I made a pillow to use. It was 3 sections of ethofoam that lay horizontal in a 30 inch square box with the sides cut down to 2 inches. I used every bit of the pillow real estate I had. Being thoroughly sick of the whole project by the time I finished the front, I started a few smaller projects and took a vacation from the dress. After about a 6 months hiatus I began one of the back pieces and only having half the number of bobbins on my pillow made it much easier but even so 228 bobbins is quite a few to deal with. I finished the first back piece and took another hiatus for several months and then began the final piece and it seemed to alternately drag along and move with surprisingly swiftness. Perhaps because it was the last piece I stayed more dedicated. I do remember staying up until the wee hours of the morning many times on the weekends so I could get more done. Eventually it was completed. I couldn't wait to sit down and sew it together. I am glad that I persevered and finished it, it is quite a beautiful piece of lace. When I have it on display I put dark purple velvet inside the dress and I have a little pink ribbon rose with some streamers that I pin on the front. Every couple of years I bring it out of it's box and acid free paper and take it to the Lacey Ladies of AZ Lace Day and put it on display. If my daughter ever has a daughter I would consider letting her use it for the baby's christening. Her first child is a boy and she didn't think she wanted to put a dress on him. I think I would have enjoyed the project a lot more if I had not decided to make the front in one piece instead of two. I was overwhelmed by bobbins I didn't know what to do with... Of course the bobbins on the bottom of the stack were always the ones to be used next.. It is quite a worthwhile project as when you are done you will have an extraordinary piece of lace.
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

On Mar 20, 2011, at 2:12 PM, Daphne Martin wrote:

I have made the tablecloth from the Veronica Sorenson book and have been looking and pondering about the Christening Gown. Has anyone made the gown??
If so how did you get on with it??
I still like the Biggens one as well. Choices Choice
 Daphne Norfolk UK

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