-----Forwarded Message-----
>From: lynrbai...@desupernet.net
>Sent: May 29, 2011 6:50 PM
>To: Malvary Cole <malva...@sympatico.ca>
>Subject: Re: [lace] Floral Bucks Pattern book
> Malvary Cole wrote:
>>Sherry -  If you own the tape and you want to transfer it to DVD for your 
>>own personal use and not making copies for others, I don't see how that is a 
>>contravention of copyright.  Isn't it similar to owning a book and making a 
>>copy of the pattern so that you can use it to make the lace.  I expect the 
>>copyright police will jump all over me, but it seems to me to be the same 
>For some reason my large email with the US copyright law was not transmitted 
>to Arachne the last time a serious discussion of copyright was going on.  I 
>couldn't find the British law about copyright, but the U.S. Code copyright law 
>provides for fair use, which means you can copy what's yours for your own use. 
> I don't have the email anymore, but very clearly from what our members across 
>the Pond write, it's not at all the same in Great Britain.  So if you're in 
>the US, feel free to do what you want with your books, tapes, CD's.  As far as 
>I know, US libraries do not pay a copying license fee, which seems to obtain 
>in Great Britain. A barrister/trial attorney by trade, I can read laws, do 
>legal research and all that stuff I can find most US laws online, but I've no 
>idea where to find such things in Britain.  This difference in the law in the 
>two countries is the reason for the discussions which erupt from time to time 
>on Arachne.  We are playing the game with different rules.
   So if you're in America, you can copy your own stuff, copy from a library 
book, within reason.  In the Mother Country, evidently there are all sorts of 
hoops to jump through that we don't have.  
>Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where I've just come inside from making 
>lace on the shaded patio, with the scent of antique roses wafting overall.  
>Life doesn't get much better.  

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