In a message dated 8/14/2011 9:47:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

In my  opinion
there is no history of lace on the island.... at least, I  saw no
evidence of it and our tour guide had never heard of it or  seen lace
bobbins (I had miniatures with me as earrings and a  pendant, and a
piece of lace.... which I  lost....)

The one piece of intriguing information that I can offer on this point, is
that many years ago, I knew a woman at the Metro Chapter of the IOLI who
had  lived in Cuba while her husband was working there with Chase Manhattan
Bank. She  and her husband were taken out of Cuba just before the revolution
by the bank.  She said she had learned bobbin lace making in Cuba, and that
it was considered  to be a good craft for Cuba. This was because it is hot in
Cuba, and  perspiration is likely to discolor an embroidery, but in bobbin
lace making your  hands touch only the bobbins. I do not know whether she
learned bobbin lace  making from a Cuban, or whether from another expatriate.

However, there is at least one other case of bobbin lace learned in Cuba. I
 found this on the internet at

"Ana Blanco (Orange Park) learned the art of bolillo, or bobbin lace, while
 growing up in Cuba. She emigrated from Cuba in 1962. Among the many styles
of  lace making, bobbin lace is considered one of the most intricate.
Blanco uses  many patterns—the Fan, the Spider, and the Honeycomb—
characteristic of Cuba’s  lace tradition. In particular the types of tools
she employs-—
lace-making  pillow, cylinder, and bobbins—are typical of those utilized in
Cuba. Although  she often uses traditional lace patterns, her artistry is
most evident in her  original designs.

Bobbin lace making is undergoing a revival in  popularity, but few lace
makers have the skill and expertise to develop original  designs. As a highly
accomplished lace maker, Blanco has taught the handwork to  novices
throughout Florida. She published Brussels Lace Making, a manual  describing
advanced form of free lace. She had been active in teaching lace  making in
Jacksonville area."
Of course, both these incidents of bobbin lace making occurred back in the
1960s and there may be no vestiges left. If I were looking for lace in
Cuba, I  might look in the churches.

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