Hello All!  After knitting myself silly over the past few weeks, what should I 
find?  A HUGE error so far back that it was easier to start over so today was 
the day.  Ugh--there's been some kicking, screaming & gnashing of teeth!  
Thanks Laurie for posting the link to the song--I needed cheering up.  It's 
been forwarded to others who will appreciate it as well.  Thanks Jeri for 
posting about the lace stamps & the instructions in the IOLI bulletin.  I 
received a set of the stamps as a gift some number of years ago, even before I 
made any bobbin lace!  Now that would make a cute picture--real lace 
matted/framed with lace stamps.  Hmmmm.  Thanks Julie, your treasure trove of 
postcards arrived today.  Hope everyone has had as much fun with the postcards 
as I have.  The geography lessons alone have been priceless!  And I've recycled 
the amazing stamps to a young stamp collector.  I've also discovered another 
reason why the USPS (postal service) is broke--no one has postal rates a!
 s low as the US.  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA             

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