Lynn in Pennsylvania wrote:-

<<One person suggested putting the lace piece between two
pieces of glass. Seems like a winner to me. Might not deter all thieves, but
at least itâ?Ts not something you can easily crumple into a pocket.  (What a
dreadful picture.)  Perhaps even something that can come apart and be put
together again with a different piece.  Screws of a discreet nature?  Does
anyone have experience with such things, and where does one obtain such items?
If I search online, what terms do I use in the Google box?>>

How about the Clip It type of picture framing that comes in either glass or plastic. It is made from a sheet of hardboard as the backing and a sheet of glass, or plastic, (plexi glass),that comes with clips to hold them together. You could put a piece of lace between the hardboard and glass/plastic and clip them together, use a piece of suitably coloured piece of card, the type sold in art shops, & stationers, beneath the lace to better show the design off. The plexi glass might be best for transporting as it should be lighter and safer to carry about than glass. It might also slip into the back of your pillow bag behind your pillow if your frame is not too large.

You should find the type of thing I mean on this site which I found by googling for "Clip it picture framing"

This site is a UK site which seems to sell only in quantities rather than single frames, it might however give you an idea of what is available. I am sure that by making the same google search that I did above you should find similar framing sold in your own country. You should be able to buy this type of frame at Art/Craft/picture framing type of shops, once you know what to look for from the pictures at the above site.

I have nothing to do with the above company concerned on this webpage just trying to help solve a problem of displaying lace at lace days without it going walkabout.

Jenny DeAngelis

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