I often just take my little travel pillow to demonstrations, these days.  I
also use Helen's "Road map" idea, and I also have a working diagram, pinned
to the inside of the front flap of the pillow, so that people can see the
"road map" and I can point out where I am exactly on the pattern.  

It is also a Must have for me as I may not go back to that piece of lace for
6 months or more, - and I need the working diagram to remind me of what I am
doing!!!  (big grin!)

Currently, I have a spikey edge from the Early Laces book by Rosemary
Shepherd on the travel pillow.  It looks very much like a Ruff edge!  I am
trying to work it as she suggest, - how they made it in the 16th Century -
with very few pins. That makes you work on tension, I can assure you!!

After working it for a 2 day demonstration, last year, I then returned to my
cookie pillow and some Beds lace - and wondered why it was looking
"different" - Well, it was because for the 2 day demo, I had worked the
Windmill crossings without a pin, and now with the Beds lace, I had
forgotten to put up a pin in the centre of each crossing!  It is amazing
what a difference that pin makes!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where we have turned on a beautiful warm
sunny day for the Queen's brief visit.

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