In teaching over the decades, I have found that you have to accommodate the
learning ability of the student, and that means presenting the same concept,
different ways.  I believe we covered this more recently, and Liz? gave some
pertinent details, but simply stated, some process right brained, and some
left.  Analogies, metaphors, overview concepts and goals, also help.  With
mood and temperament, I think some teachers/people forget, that you get more
bees with honey, than vinegar.  :)  

That doesn't compensate for
people/students who just want something, and want it now, and aren't willing
to invest, literally nor figuratively.  They wimp and whine and you are
supposed to do it for them, or they blame you.  I woman without glasses she
needs, tells me her vanity may be more important than learning lace.  If that
is she was she is approaching it, then why not teach it to her like Braille? 
I feel my knitting, thinking that if (God forbid) I am old and cannot see, at
least I can knit by feel, but I digress.  

I was raised that if it is wrong,
you take it all out and start over) and so many balk at that, but it does
teach the perseverance needed for hard or long projects.  I guess that all of
it boils down to personal responsibility on all fronts, and going the extra

I have a friend who keeps having stressful things happen in her
life, and she threatens a nervous breakdown and fearing that one more thing
goes wrong...sure enough, it does.  I told her to change it to, "If there is
something I am to learn from life, then bring it on!"  She gasped, but I
noticed that she mustered up her courage and now her life is smooth.  My aunt
just called to ask how my father was, and she was saying that she is ornery,
and she heard that the ornery ones live longest.  I laughed and said that that
is probably what it really takes in life...a bit of fortitude!  

And so with
lace!  (grinning)

Susan Reishus 

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