Dear Spiders,

I hope you're enjoying your lace, wherever you are. I would like to
post two gentle reminders:

1. Please trim your posts! Some of the postings are getting very long
because earlier postings are not being trimmed. I realise that Gmail
users have to think about this because Gmail hides "quoted material"
but digest subscribers do not enjoy scrolling through pages of
messages that they have already read. So before you click "Send," take
a minute to delete anything irrelevant below your message.

2. This is a little trickier to phrase, but I'll do my best. Please
try to stay on topic. That means not only posting about lace and
related subjects, but not airing personal grievances. If you need help
dealing with, say, a bobbin seller who hasn't filled an order and
you're asking for advice, that is fine to post. On the other hand, if
you are annoyed with another lacemaker or teacher and there is nothing
that can be done about it now, please keep it off the list. It may
feel cathartic for the person who posts but it causes unnecessary
tension on the list, for no good reason. Keep the discussions civil,

Best wishes,

Arachne moderator



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