Why would it be wonderful to move arachne to 'ning?' whatever that may be. Leave arachne alone it's just fine where it is thank you. If you want what ever 'ning' has to offer then set up an independent group on it and those who wish to use it can do so.

And thank you Avital for stepping in when the discussion about teachers and teaching methods became somewhat personal, that is also quite unnecessary. Discuss teacing methods and what does and doesn't work by all means, it's good for those of us who teach to hear these comments and we can learn from them, but it isn't necessary to name and slag off people.

Nicky in Suffolk

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 14:40:39 -0500
From: "Lorelei Halley" <lhal...@bytemeusa.com>
Subject: [lace] facebook

There is actually a bobbin lace group on facebook, with pictures already
uploaded.  The problem is that somebody uploaded a bunch of Romanian
needlepoint lace photos.  In other words the group's administrator isn't
trying to keep the membership on topic, and there hasn't been much activity. (I don't have anything against Romanian needlepoint lace, but if a group is
called "bobbinlace" it doesn't belong there.)

We recently had some discussion on needlelacetalk about how wonderful it would
be to put up a general lacemaking site on ning -- the platform that
needlelacetalk uses. It would be wonderful if arachne could just move there. The problem is that ning charges a fee. For a group as large as arachne that wouldn't be much of a problem, and could be handled by donations. It doesn't
allow video conferencing, but you can put photos or diagrams directly into
your comment box as you answer somebody's question.

To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to
arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

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