Hi Jean

If you use your mouse to highlight the writing in the frame (embedded window) 
and then press Control+C to (command+C on a Mac) to copy it and then paste into 
the left hand box in Goggle Translate it will translate.  

Essentially it is telling you that they sell lots of different threads and also 
the bits and pieces for mounting the lace and their contact details.

On 17 Nov 2011, at 08:07, Jean Nathan wrote:

> Because the content from the links on the side of the page appears in an 
> embedded  window in the centre of the page, it doesn't automatically 
> translate from Danish as the rest of the page does, or it would have if it 
> had opened in a separate window. I wasn't sure what any of the downloads were 
> and I haven't looked at any of the other links because I don't read Danish, 
> but I did download the book,"Nyt i knypling".
> Shame because I usually find foreign language lace web sites interesting 
> because they are translated.

Brenda in Allhallows

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