In message <>, "Gray, Alison J" <> writes
I was using one of my own designs.  But I was wondering  whether anyone knows
whether it would be violating copyright if I were to use someone else's design
and sell it for charity?

Technically, yes, you would be. It is the same reason why dressmakers are supposed to buy a fresh copy of a commercial pattern for each garment they make from it.

However, you will probably find that most lace designers are happy for you to raise funds for charity from their designs, all you need do is ask - I had a lovely letter (giving permission) from Christine Springett when I asked if I could use her snake pattern for this purpose (raising funds in that case for our local hospice - that was in 1991, when I designed my Giles the Dog bookmark for the same fete). You, Alison, are welcome to use any of my patterns which have been published (in Lace, Canadian Lacemaker Gazette and the Penguin Pattern Book) - but I would appreciate it if anyone else uses any of my patterns for fundraising or adaptation, etc, they ask first and email me a picture of the results afterwards!
Jane Partridge

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