After posting my email to lace and photos on webshot of the lace shawl I made for my daughter, I received a few questions:

Darlene Wright asked what pillow I used - it's a very large oval 60x75cm block pillow which I bought from Kleinhout in the Netherlands. Wonderful piece of equipment and very light.

Jeanette Fisher commented about my spelling of moths instead of months - I hope the little critters do not come anywhere near it.

David Collyer inquired about my bobbins - I used Midlands, and as the wool was very thin (lace weight) I could wind quite a lot on them, using the neck and part of the shank. I still had to rewind quite a few, especially the various workers. Was not the easiest material to work with, but I suppose I got used to it.

I bought this as a kit at Pudsey lace fair, and was a bit dubious whether it would work. The colour was chosen for my daughter, who has been obsessed with peacocks since she was a little girl, and she used to call them keycocks. We did not have a clue what she meant as there were no peacocks around where we live. One day we went to a stately home, and she got almost hysterical shouting keycock, and yes, there they were. Even now (aged 31) she often wears clothing with peacock features/colours, peacock feather earrings etc.

Thanks for all the lovely comments I have received, brightens up a dark winter's day.
Agnes Boddington
Elloughton UK

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