I know there are many experts on this list who have a great deal of
experience in this area.  I am not an expert by an means.   I did learn
a great deal during the IOLI tour of Winterhur Musuem during 2004 IOLI
convention that I enjoyed.   Joy Gardiner—Textile Conservator at
Winterthur Museum in the state of Deleware, USA; she shared her findings in
developing and researching a method to conserve a recent lace collection
donated to Winterthur.  
Ms. Gardiner shared a listing of vendors for
materials for conserving our laces (See attached list 2004).  The first
listing is “Archivart”, which supplies acid-free boxes with trays inside
the boxes.  They come in multiple sizes.  The box that Joy showed us allowed
for laying larger pieces of lace flat with acid-free paper in-between, while
they had the upper tray filled with rolled tape laces.  
She stated that
all of our materials for lace making should never be stored in plastic
shopping bags or zip lock bags due to gases emited from the plastic which
impacts the thread negatively and causes the thread to break down.    She
suggested that we place our lace threads, and fabrics (hankerchief materials,
etc) in archival paper and then place them in an archival box inside a older
wood dresser.  NO cedar chests or closets.   She stated that a dresser that
is not "tightly" fitted but has drawers or wood backing not tightly fitted
with air holes was good.   She stated that a dresser that has some air
circulating in it at room temperature is the best for storage of fabric and
materials.    The reason for acid free paper and a box inside a dresser
drawer was to ensure that all threads or fabrics would not touch the wood
sides that may have been treated with some product that could impact the
materials or threads.   
 Acid-Free Paper is not all the same!
Ms. Gardiner
shared her chemistry expertise when speaking how to best conserve our lace. 
She spoke of “buffered” and “non-buffered” acid-free paper.  Buffered
acid-free paper is probably what most of us have in our boxes. 
“Buffered” acid-free paper visually is opaque—you can not see your hand
outline underneath the paper.  “Non-Buffered” acid-free paper is more
transparent and you can see your hand outline through the paper. 
“Buffered” acid-free paper has calcium carbonate within the paper
fibers.  You can not see your hand through the paper.   Joy explained that
silk thread has a molecular structure that has a free-standing hydrogen
molecule.  Silks’ molecular structure will react to the calcium carbonate
in the “buffered” acid-free paper thereby causing the lace or items with
silk thread to break down very quickly over time—destroying the item.  
Ms. Gardiner suggested that we switch to all “non-buffered” acid free
paper, which will not react to any fiber type—cotton, silk, linen or
wools.  Using only the non-buffered acid free paper will allow us to store
all types of items even when we may not know all of the fiber types used in
the item.  Everyone needs to know that all laces should never be folded.  If
you have a large piece, roll it or create acid free paper rolls in-between so
the lace is not folded.   
Joy shared an excellent method to conserve our
tape laces.    
Take a sheet of Mylar plastic (it is denser plastic and
does not emit gases) and cut it to a specific width ( she had all of hers the
same size about 5 inches).  Roll the Mylar into a roll.  Cut surgical
stocking , cover the Mylar plastic with the surgical stocking—sticking the
ends of the stocking into both ends.  Roll the tape lace on top of the
surgical stocking/mylar.  Now, cover the lace with another sheet of Mylar
plastic and tie shut with a piece of ribbon.  Place your roll into the
tray.    This method allows you to see your laces in the tray.  
also stated that if anyone has a lace tablecloth that we can order the Mylar
plastic the width plus a couple of inches of your lace.   Roll it into a
roll.   Cover the roll with cotton unbleached muslin over the mylar, tie
with a ribbon.   Then place your lace table coth with another layer of
cotton muslin over the top of it.   Now, roll the lace with the muslin onto
the cotton muslin covered Mylar plastic until it is completely rolled up.  
You should order more length of the Mylar to ensure that the Mylar covers the
entire piece of lace plus a few extra inches to ensure you can close it with
ribbon at several sections. Cover the ends with surgical
stockings (toe sections)  Now you can place the lace tablecloth verticall
in the back of an interior closet knowing that the lace is completely
protected and safe.    She stated this method works for quilts as well.  
(I have stored my grandmother's handstitch quilts this way and I
 can see which one I want to pull out for a special occassion).  
I thought this was a great idea for those of us who have made a great deal of
lace for a special occasion but needs to be stored until the occassion or for
those of us who like to bring a piece of lace to workshops or convention for
show and tell.  This method is also great for the lace collector who enjoys
looking at their lace collection or to find a specific piece of lace to show
at an exhibit without pulling everything out.  
For anyone traveling to
Winterthur, you can make an appointment to view their lace collection.  They
do ask that you give as much notice. There is no guarantee that they can fit
your appointment into their schedule, but they will try with enough notice. 
There are only two employees in the department.  Call Winterthur at
800-448-3883 or 302-888-4600 and ask for the Conservatory.   
Chris Brill-Packard
Cleveland Ohio....where the
sun is peeking out every now and then! 

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