I started to really think about this. I have handknit sweaters, handmade clothes for all 5 of us, including a 43 year old wedding dress. I find that until it's shredded, I can't get rid of something handmade. I don't have enough lace to think about coffin decorations or additions, but I do agree with you, Elizabeth, about no lace in the coffin, or equivalent. Although I must admit that I am tempted, if I actually have a coffin, to include a small hankie, to take with me on the trip. Sort of as a companion. Only one piece. I know you can't take it with you, but I'd like to try.

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US, where we got a good soaking rain today. About an inch. Seems that spring is starting early.

Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:
However, I have given strict instructions that neither it, nor any other
lace is to be put in my coffin with me - I spent too many hour making it, to
destroy it like that!!!  If they Insist on putting some with me - then use
the cut-off, and scraps , not anything good!!!

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