Thank you, Bev, for the tinyurl.  Many of  us would like a smaller version 
of our very own!
When the first of our Arachnes visits the new Kensington Palace  exhibits, 
please report back to us on the condition of the lace and costumes  in the 
Queen Victoria exhibition.  
Much more expertise, space and expense was given to Princess Diana  the 
last time I went - in fact, the Princess's clothing was  presented in a huge 
The Queen Victoria exhibit was given a space about twice the size of my  
bedroom.  Hers were very crowded exhibits and very crowded by people  viewing 
it (almost airless) -- even men were saying that they could not  believe a 
Queen would wear something so plain for a wedding!
You see, the curators vulgarized the wedding ensemble - the veil  shown was 
no more that a piece of stiff machine-made modern net, with the  piece on 
her head looking like those scrunched things you scrub pots  with!  The lace 
flounce had been removed from the skirt (fragile  condition understood, but 
it raised a lot of questions from me - I had  seen the whole intact years 
before).  Signage is so important in an  exhibit like this.  The same glass 
enclosure was crowded with several  other mannequins - her clothing, but the 
wedding deserved more  respect.. Over-all, it was hardly appropriate for a 
woman who was a  Queen and Empress.  How many other women have had an era or  
age named after them?  Elizabeth I, yes.  And....?
There is a lot of correspondence in our archives on the subject of Queen  
Victoria's lace.
Jeri Ames  in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center  
In a message dated 3/26/2012 1:59:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hello  Pat and everyone

There were quite a few links and I had to try  several to find what you
meant by the dramatic photograph, assuming the  one of Luminous Lace?

I found it here and I'm sure there are other  sites with it  also:


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