First off, Jeanette is much too modest.  I've seen pictures of her designs and 
they're beautiful and very creative.  

As for publishing designs, there's a problem:  imagine being given a pricking 
of a complex Milanese picture such as Pat Read or Louise Colgan have created, 
with no knowledge whatsoever of the techniques of Milanese.  Or a lovely Beds 
pattern with no guipure experience.  Now what?  Cathy invented RL with a number 
of unique techniques, and if you haven't learned RL already you won't know what 
to do with the design.  When I have taught original patterns I have referred 
people to Cathy's book.  "This is done just like the xxxx in pattern yyy" (or 
it's just like that with the following differences).  Since it is/was Cathy's 
"lace revolution" and she taught for just a few years, only a modest number of 
people are privy to those secrets at this time.  Publishing a simple daffodil 
flower would require publishing a whole lot of accompanying information on how 
to do it, which could easily infringe Cathy's copyright and/or take up far too 
much space in a magazine.  Tamara was asked to !
 publish some of her RL but refused for this reason.  So the only people who 
could use the published design are the ones who already know RL, and that won't 
widen the knowledge base.

I have taught RL to each of the 3 lace groups to which I belong, because that's 
teaching friends.  I was asked once to teach at a more formal workshop (the 
Winter Lace Conference), but because the techniques are her invention, that's 
getting into infringeing on Cathy's intellectual property (morally, if not 
legally).  I am not comfortable with that.

No matter how much a few of us enjoy it, I'm afraid Cathy's "revolution" may be 
a quirky lace that fewer and fewer people bother with.

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

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