Kudos to Mary for offering such a book. At the outrages prices of book out
there it is a nice to see that a good home is the criteria for this book. 

Donna near Chicago

 From: Alex Stillwell
To: lace@arachne.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 25,
2012 4:04 AM
Subject: [lace] Teneriffe book
Hi Arachnids

I have just
received this email and as I do not know of anyone wishing for a
copy I
suggested Mary posted it here. As she is not a member I offered to post
it for
her. She is not asking for payment, only postage.

Hello Alex
I hope you are
keeping well.
I have been given a copy of your Tenerife Lace book. As I
already have one
this is surplus to my needs. Do you have details of anyone
who is wanting one.
If so let me know and I will arrange with them to send to

Best wishes
Mary Fishleigh




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