Dear Diane

I know my friend will appreciate the lace.  There's a bit of a story attached
to it.  In March 2010 my elder son was rushed into hospital for a life-saving
operation.  Fortunately he revovered well.  Just after he came out of hospital
was my birthday and my friend bought me a lace making book she found in a shop
in Canterbury (UK) to cheer me up.  She bought the book without really knowing
if it was the sort of lace I make.  The piece I made for her comes from this
book and as it has rabbits in it and they are her favourite animal I know
she'll love it.

I made it for her retirement which should be early next year but I think she's
going to work an extra year, so I will have to wait to give it to her.


How exciting!  What a sense of accomplishment you must feel.  I love all the
point ground laces, especially Downton.  I hope your friend loves it and
recognizes all the love and skill you've put into it.

Diane Williams<>

Dear Arachneans

I've been lurking too long and its getting on for 2 years since I asked you
all for advice about how much Bucks Point knowledge I needed in order to
complete a picture of 2 bunnies .  I'm pleased to say that I have now
completed the project.

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