Thank you for the mention Mary.
I am one of the guilty lurkers who do not post to Arachne very often but I have just spent a very pleasant hour reading about 50 Arachne emails on the importance of internet lace friendships amongst other things. I agree but, all the regular contributors seem to be so quick off the mark in replying to a query that I usually think that my two-pennorth is not needed. Being suitably chastened after Jeri's original post on lurkers versus volunteers, I will try to send my opinion a little more often now. By the way, Jenny Koops has now published a book on 25 Bookmarks. Maybe I will put some in my suitcase when I (hopefully) come to Adelaide in 2014. I will need to make some extra money to buy dinkum Aussie lace goods like your cover cloths and aluminium bobbins from Shirley's DH (as if I needed any more bobbins). Unfortunately, Mary Hughes who painted those lovely bobbins is not able to do it any more due to advanced age and macular degeneration of her eyes. She still manages to make lace though in an enlarged version using Perle No. 12 and her memory of many years of making lace.

Janis Savage
in Honeydew South Africa
where I have just come back from a birthday lunch with the family and sent the grandchildren away with excess birthday cake to take to school tomorrow.

Must be 15 years ago that a self-published booklet "15 Lace Patterns of
Crosses" by Jenny Koops of South Africa was mentioned on the list.  Janis
Savage arranged for friends of hers to carry a copy to Sydney and sent two
very nicely painted bobbins for me.

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