In a bold experiment, I am going to attempt to Live Blog the  Young Lace 
Makers Symposium in Pavia, Italy April 4-10. I am also hoping that  other 
participants will add their comments and pictures to the Blog. The Blog  will 
in the LaceIOLI site _ 
(  where the  administrator, Lorelei Halley has been 
kind enough to add a 
Blog area. The plan  is to put the blog posts as comments under the heading 
Live Blogging the Young  Lace Makers Symposium- Doily Free Zone. 
If you would like to experience the Young Lace Makers  Symposium via the 
blog, please do. If it is a success perhaps others will want  to Live Blog 
other lace events. If it is a failure.... well, that may be  amusing, too. :-)

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