Firstly. - ANZAC Day greetings to all Aussies.

I went to the Portland convention in 2010 - as a student, (the other 2 I
have been to I was a teacher), - and I had a ball there!  Loved every
minute! The hotel was very helpful, and class rooms were very good. I have
very happy memories.  It is so nice to make new friends and meet old ones
again, - and meet Arachne people - and find the names on my monitor are Real

I am looking forward to the convention this year.  As we were coming over to
USA, I waved the IOLI Bulletin before DH's eyes and pointed out that Salt
Lake City was not 'That' far from Seattle, and that just a little bypass on
the way from Seattle to LA airport might be nice...!!!  (LOL).  I look
forward to meeting lots of you there - at the Arachne lunch as well as
around the hotel. (Hang the expense, - it might be my last trip overseas as
Travel Insurance for Oldies is almost prohibitive! -- It is costing us the
equal of another Air fare from Melbourne to LA!) 

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.
Lest We forget.

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