As if I didn't have enough to do, sitting here with my arm in a sling from
the recent redo of my rotator cuff surgery, I actually have been working
with a professional web designer to finally get the LaceNews website up and
running. He suggested I take a serious look at Pinterest, which started in
2010, and is now the third largest social network behind Facebook and
Twitter. I'm not one to start something just because it is popular, but in
looking at Pinterest, it seems to be ideal as a 'link' page.  Most websites
have a section called 'links', where numerous pointers to sites of interest
can be listed. These suffer from the usual problems of persistence as sites
disappear, and they often get forgotten in maintenance activities. I've
written some detailed notes on this at, and established a LaceNews
Pinterest site at  The basic idea is
you go to a website, pick a photo that interests you, 'pin' it to a
Pinterest 'board', and now you have a picture, a pointer to the website, and
you can write a short description. Click on the photo twice and it takes you
to the website. You can even load a photo from you own computer (perhaps
even something like an advertisement designed by the people owning the site
you want to pin) and link to an external website if that site doesn't have a
good enough photo.  Everyone can see the Pinterest pins, and subscribers to
the service (it's free) can also add comments and follow various boards.  

It's not perfect, for example you can only go one layer deep in boards
(making this more flexible is on a to-do list at Pinterest). But I have to
admit it's all looking very good, and surprisingly simple to manage.  I now
have 29 boards for various lace topics, and over the past three days have
done very close to 300 pins.  Take a look, feedback welcome. Things will
jump around a bit as I decide on the optimum organization of boards, and
every day I'm adding many more pins.


(for example, I note a recent question on the Kniplebrevet publication on
Arachne. I have a board called 'Lace Periodicals' with a direct link to
Knipelbrevet, plus every other lace periodical I can think of.)

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