Fellow Spiders-
I had a quick walk through of the Interwoven Globe exhibit at  the 
Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday on my lunch hour. It is nine rooms  and I 
to go back and do the full audio tour which I anticipate will take  several 
hours, with the need for refreshments and rest at intervals. There are  not 
very many benches in this exhibit, I might add.
But, my initial observation is that it is dazzling and  probably the 
textile exhibit that would justify a trip to New York, so you might  want to 
making travel plans now. The objects are just beautiful and in  excellent 
condition. I didn't read many of the descriptions since I didn't have  much 
time, so I can't comment on them. But the concept, about the international  
cross-pollination of textiles in the period 1500-1800 is fascinating. 
There is really no lace, so don't go for that  reason.
I bought the catalogue ($65, cloth bound!) and it is very  beautiful with 
color pictures of the objects and also many other objects not in  the exhibit 
which provide context. It is not merely a picture book, as there is  a lot 
of text that I am sure further expands the wall descriptions. 
I for one, would like Jeri to review the catalogue since it is  obviously 
not a "quick read", and I am not sure when I am going to have time to  digest 

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