Thanks to all who have responded to the pin question, it has  been very 
helpful. Acting on arachne sourced advice I decided to try to use a  box of 
pins that I had from Holly Van Sciver which were labeled Bohin 30 x .85  
nickel. As we have discovered the first number is the length and the second is  
the width. Logically, it would seem that for someone seeking a width of .86 mm 
 there would not be a perceptible difference in using a pin that is .85 mm. 
 However, the pin felt different, and did not resist heavy tensioning as 
well as  the .86 mm. Could it be only 1/100 mm less in diameter?
Lacking a micrometer, I took Adele's advice and laid 10 pins  next to each 
other to measure them. To my surprise the .86mm measured about .83  and the 
.85 pins measured .78. So the discrepancy between the pins was not 1/100  mm 
but rather 5/100 mm. But, more distressing, it illustrated that the 
diameter  measurements of the pins are not reliable. 
In that many manufacturers fail to list the diameters of their  pins, as I 
discovered when I went on the numerous pin sites provided to me, one  would 
almost think that pin manufacturers are unaware that their purchasers  
regularly measure their pins with micrometers! 
I confess that I have never mastered how to add photos to the  arachne 
flicker site, so if you would like to see the results of my pin  investigation, 
ie. a photo of the pins together, and then a photo of each of  them laid in 
sets of 10 and measured with a millimeter tape, I have posted them  to 
laceioli.ning. If someone wants to add them to the Flicker site, feel free. 
Here is the link to the photos on laceioli.ning which you  don't have to 
join to view.
But seriously, where did I buy these pins and how can I get  more. 

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