----Original Message-----
From: The Lacebee
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:03 PM
To: <alexstillw...@talktalk.net>
Cc: Arachne reply
Subject: Re: [lace] Teneriffe book


I would like to say that this book was a light bulb moment in my lacemaking
We were so impressed that in craft terms, we had performed brain surgery using
a book...........

........So, Alex,  Thank You.

Kind Regards

Liz Baker

Thank you Liz. Your email has made my day.  I started lacemaking in the early
1960s when lace was as dead as the dodo and have had to do most of my learning
from looking at lace and puzzling over prickings.  I see no virtue in
reinventing the wheel and my aim is to write down what I have discovered so
that, hopefully, others will continue on from where I leave off. Knowing that
it works makes all the hard work writing books worth while.

Happy lacemaking


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